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The Adventurer Bible Game is the Official North American Division Adventurer Bible learning program. The program is created to challenge older adventurers to use their reading skills and their amazing ability to memorize the Bible.


It is intended to be a family-based activity with parents and Adventurers studying and playing together. Each year new passages of scripture are assigned (alternating Old Testament and New Testament) and excited Adventurers and their parents/caregivers commit themselves to study those passages of God's Word.


The Adventurers are tested over the assigned passages. Because this Bible activity has a different focus than Pathfinder Bible Experience, a 6-year rotation of Bible content has been created that will help introduce Adventurers to the major stories and themes of the Bible.



Groups can be up to six Adventurers from a single club and their parents/ caregivers. Multiple teams from a club can participate as long as each team has a balanced number of Adventurers along with their parents/caregivers.


All Club Game Participants

Groups should be as complete as possible. For example, a club would not be allowed to field three teams of four participants, but they could field two teams of six participants.


Each group is composed of the following:

  • Four to six currently enrolled Adventurers in a single club. This activity is recommended for Adventurers in grades 3 and 4 (Builders and Helping Hands). If Adventurers who are in grades 1 or 2 want to participate, this exception must be cleared by the conference leader BEFORE participation is allowed. One Adventurer will be selected by the team as Recorder.

  • Four to six parents/caregivers of the participating Adventurers. There must be one parent/caregiver for each participating Adventurer. One parent/caregiver will be selected by the team as Recorder.

  • Up to two alternate Adventurer team members and their parent/caregiver participants

  • A non-playing Coach

  • One Grader per team of participants (this may be the Coach if there is only one team)


Parent/Caregiver Participants

A parent or significant adult in the life of each Adventurer on the team must participate. Their role is to study with the Adventurer in preparation for the area and conference events. During play, the parent/caregiver participants are seated in a neighboring circle. The team shares one Grader between the two circles. Parents/caregivers will be given every fifth question during play. These questions will be more difficult but will still be multiple choice or true/false.


ABG Booklet 


For more information visit:



© 2024 Youth Ministries Department. Ohio Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

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